
Sunday, March 27, 2022

What Happens to Your Body if You Eat Junk Food

                            What Happens to Your Body if You Eat Junk Food

Junk food has a bad reputation, but it’s not just because of the way it tastes or how much sugar or fat it contains; eating junk food has some very real consequences on your body that are anything but minor. Some of these effects may happen immediately after you eat the junk food, while others might take some time to occur, but all of them are bad enough to make you want to start looking for healthy . You should think about what happens to your body if you eat junk food as a kind of heads up so that you can stop this behavior before serious harm befalls you.


How junk food affects your brain

Eating junk food can change how you think and feel. Carbs and fats in your diet trigger changes in your brain that make you crave more foods high in fat and sugar. At first, these cravings might cause intense food cravings, but eventually you may develop a habit of eating high-fat/high-sugar foods often. This habit can contribute to unhealthy weight gain over time. Eating too much fat is linked with certain diseases, including heart disease and stroke.

The long-term side effects

The long-term effects of eating junk food are much more serious than those that occur in short-term. This is because it takes time for your body to adjust, and people don’t immediately realize they’re damaging their bodies. Over time, junk food can lead to a host of medical problems, including diabetes, cancer and heart disease. In fact, research shows that just one portion of McDonalds every day can raise your chance of developing diabetes by 26 percent!

Short term vs. long term side effects

The effects of junk food are immediate and noticeable, whereas eating healthier is something that takes more time. However, it’s important to understand what can happen after years of eating a poor diet. On a short-term basis, you may experience more cravings for junk food or feel physically ill. The long-term side effects of eating unhealthy foods include obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

The effect on kids

Children are more vulnerable than adults to junk food’s toxic effects. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that kids between ages 2 and 19 consume nearly 35 percent of their daily . Kids who eat too much sugar are at risk for developing type 2 diabetes, which can shorten lifespans by up to 20 years.

Strategies to avoid eating junk food (and why they fail)

Strategies like keeping junk food out of your house are one common way to beat temptation. If possible, reduce how often you go grocery shopping so that you aren't constantly being tempted by unhealthy options—and your bank account will thank you. It's also helpful to make sure that your home isn't filled with tempting treats.

3 ways to eat less junk food

To break your addiction, you’ll need to start with a detox. The easiest way is to simply stop eating junk food for a few days and then slowly reintroduce it back into your diet in order to gauge its appeal (or lack thereof) . Instead, slowly cut back on fast food or soda. If you can do that successfully for a couple of weeks, go ahead and indulge—just try not to make it a habit.

10 effective ways to quit eating unhealthy snacks and meals

Go for a walk. Sometimes you feel like snacking because you’re bored, so take yourself out of your environment and burn off some energy by going for a brisk walk or run. This will give you something else to focus on other than snacks. Buy good snacks. Rather than eating junk food all day, fill your cupboards with things that are better for you and keep them readily available.

Should we start eating like cavemen?

Eating a Paleolithic diet is a hot topic of debate. Supporters say it can help you lose weight, reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes, and alleviate irritable bowel syndrome. Paleo proponents also suggest that eating like cavemen is better for your waistline and life expectancy. Critics argue that these diets aren’t sustainable and don’t provide an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals, meaning they may not be ideal for long-term consumption.


Stress is one of life’s unpleasantries, and obesity is its sidekick. Being overweight means being at greater risk for stress-related disorders like high blood pressure, heart disease, and depression. But it seems that stress can also make you fat. How? When we feel stressed out, cortisol levels rise in our bodies.

The most energizing fruits to eat in the morning

                           The most energizing fruits to eat in the morning

 Most of us have trouble getting out of bed in the morning. The early hours are best spent sleeping, right? While it’s true that too much activity first thing in the morning can leave you feeling groggy and unproductive, it’s also true that a good breakfast can set you up for success—and even more importantly, give you the energy you need to make it through the day. Here are some fruits that will help get your morning started on the right foot. They’re easy to incorporate into most breakfasts and won’t make you feel overly full before lunchtime!

1. Blackberries 2. Oranges 3. Kiwi 4. Apples 5. Bananas 6. Pomegranates 7. Strawberries 8. Blueberries 9. Avocados 10. Cherries


These little blue powerhouses are packed with vitamins and antioxidants. Not only do they provide you with a burst of energy, but also a potent dose of fiber that helps keep you feeling full longer than if you had eaten something else .


Because kiwi is rich in vitamins and nutrients, it gives you more energy than other fruit. In addition, studies show that eating kiwi regularly can improve your cardiovascular health. Researchers also found that people who ate about 1 cup of kiwi every day for 12 weeks lowered their blood pressure by 10 points. Another study revealed that participants who ate 2 kiwis per day showed a significant increase in urinary enzymes related to protein metabolism—an indicator of healthy kidney function.


In addition to vitamin C, oranges contain caffeine, which is a natural stimulant. If you want an extra jolt of energy in your morning cup of coffee, try drinking orange juice with breakfast instead. Research has shown that people who drink caffeinated drinks before working out perform better than those who don’t. The key here is moderation; studies have also found too much caffeine can affect sleep patterns and even increase anxiety levels.


If you are looking for a fruit that is going to give you energy and help get your day started, then pineapple is going to be one of your best bets. Pineapple contains bromelain, which can break down proteins and aid digestion. In other words, it’s a great way to get a boost before exercising or for eating more protein in your diet.


If you’re looking for an energizing breakfast, why not turn to one of nature’s true superfoods? We’re talking about pomegranates, that ruby-colored gem loaded with vitamins, antioxidants and soluble fiber. One serving (about 100 grams) of pomegranate provides 22 percent of your daily value for vitamin C and 13 percent for vitamin A. Both help fight free radicals, which can damage cells and make us more susceptible to colds, cancer and heart disease.


They’re higher in fiber than strawberries, with only 45 calories per cup.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Importance of water in the body

                                          9 Ways to Stay Hydrated

Scientists recommend that we drink eight glasses of water per day, so we don’t get dehydrated. However, it can be hard to remember to drink all that water, especially when you’re busy at work or home taking care of your family. Here are nine tips to make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day


1) Drink a glass before every meal

It’s not a secret that there are some serious health benefits to drinking water regularly. But did you know that hydrating before a meal can actually help you lose weight? Drinking a glass of water with your meal is one of many small changes that can lead to significant weight loss. Here are 9 tips on how drinking water before meals can help your diet.


2) Keep water by your bedside

Staying hydrated is a crucial part of healthy living, and it can be easy to forget to drink enough water each day. Before you go to bed, keep a bottle of water by your bedside; while you sleep, remember to grab a sip or two in case you wake up feeling thirsty. This simple habit can help you avoid headaches and fatigue while also keeping your skin looking younger.


3) Take time to relax and drink a tall glass

If you’re under a lot of stress, or are drinking lots of coffee, chances are you’re not giving your body enough water. Dehydration creates tension in our muscles and increases fatigue, which can hinder performance and productivity. When you’re dehydrated, take time out of your busy day to relax with a tall glass of cool water.

4) Keep sipping when you eat out

Many restaurants serve super-sized portions of everything, so we tend to eat way more than we need. The right approach is to ask for half your dish wrapped up when you first sit down (or do it yourself if you’re dining at a counter), then put half your meal in a box before you start eating and save it for later. It will taste just as good—better, even—after cooling off and sitting a while.

5) Get into the habit of always carrying a bottle with you

If you’re trying to stay hydrated but consistently forget your water bottle, just set it next to your toothbrush. You’ll never forget to grab it when you leave for work in the morning. Keep a reusable water bottle at work and refill throughout the day: The easiest way to ensure that you are staying properly hydrated at work is if you have a reusable water bottle that you can take with you throughout your day—and fill up as necessary.

6) Drink water when you wake up in the morning

You may feel groggy when you wake up in the morning, but most of us don’t drink enough water during our sleep. Drinking a glass or two of water when you first wake up in the morning helps your system get back on track by hydrating your body after a night without any fluids. And while it’s easy to chug a cup or two of water, remember that drinking more than a few ounces at one time can overload your system and trigger dehydration rather than prevent it.

7) Staying hydrated helps with your skin health

If you’re not drinking enough water, you can get dehydrated which leads to your skin drying out. Not only does dehydration lead to dry skin, but it also leads to wrinkles and fine lines. Water hydrates your skin cells, bringing them back up their natural plumpness, smoothing them out and giving them a nice tone. Drinking plenty of water also helps prevent cellulite—which comes from fat deposits below your skin—by helping eliminate toxins in your body that lead to cellulite development.

8) Know your limits and don’t be ashamed if you need a break sometimes

One of my college professors always said, If you don’t have time for exercise, then you don’t have time for anything else. Exercise is that important. However, just because you are really busy doesn’t mean you can ignore your workout schedule. That is when drinking water comes in handy.

9) Drink plenty on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

Staying hydrated starts with drinking water first thing in the morning. In a study conducted by The University of Connecticut, dieters who drank two cups of water before eating breakfast lost more weight than dieters who didn’t. Drinking water helps stave off hunger, as well as make you feel full and more satisfied. Make sure you consume one glass of ice cold water before eating any other food or drink—this will help your stomach expand and will give you an extra boost during your weight loss efforts.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Healthy foods to eat everyday

                  The 10 Best Healthy Foods to Eat Everyday


Healthy food doesn’t have to be bland, though. Here are ten delicious foods that you can eat every day, whether you’re looking to lose weight or just watch your cholesterol levels. With these foods, you can be sure that your diet will still be appetizing, and your health won’t suffer at all!


(1) Oatmeal

. Studies have shown that people who eat oatmeal for breakfast are less likely to overeat later in the day. Plus, oatmeal can be a fun way to add texture and variety to your morning routine. Go ahead—make it fun by adding different toppings such as nuts, seeds, dried fruit, or even different types of syrup. Bonus points if you cut out foods that contain high-fructose corn syrup!



(2) Eggs

Eggs are one of those healthy foods that come in a variety of ways—scrambled, boiled, and poached among them. One egg has just 70 calories and 5 grams of protein; it’s also rich in vitamins A, D, E, and B12. But how does one cook an egg? There are dozens of methods for making eggs: sunny-side up or over easy; scrambled with cheese; served with wilted spinach on toast.


(3) Turkey

Turkey is one of those healthy foods that should be in your diet. It contains protein, which is an important part of any healthy diet. Turkey also has potassium, a mineral that helps keep you energized all day long. If you want a little more energy throughout your day, consider adding turkey and other high-potassium foods to your diet.


(4) Berries

They’re also high in fiber, which helps reduce sugar cravings.


(5) Yogurt

Why yogurt? Because it’s a great way to incorporate probiotics into your diet (and keep your gastrointestinal tract healthy). Probiotics are good bacteria that help you digest food, maintain a healthy immune system, and support weight management. Yogurt is also loaded with protein and calcium, which help promote bone health. If you opt for Greek yogurt, it can be an excellent low-calorie breakfast option.


(6) Spinach

Spinach is a leafy green vegetable that’s high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. This healthy food should be eaten regularly. A serving of spinach has about 5 calories.


(7) Avocado

A study published in Nutrition Journal found that people who ate half an avocado with lunch reported a 40 percent decreased desire to eat for hours afterward. Avocados contain monounsaturated fats that help regulate your blood sugar. These good fats not only lower cholesterol but also help you feel fuller longer and keep hunger at bay. What’s more? Research in Pharmaceutical Biology found that participants who ate half a fresh avocado with lunch reported a 40 percent decreased desire to eat for hours afterward.


(8) Beans

Beans are delicious, high in protein and fiber, and can be part of a healthy diet for people of all ages. Beans contain many nutrients like calcium, iron, zinc, and potassium. Also, beans have lots of vitamins like thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin. And minerals such as phosphorous, magnesium, and manganese. Beans are low in calories but very filling so you do not need too much to feel full after eating them.


(9) Salmon

A versatile food that can be eaten in a variety of ways, it also contains high levels of protein and healthy fats. It’s also rich in nutrients like B vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their ability to promote heart health. If you can afford it, fresh salmon is always going to be best—but canned salmon makes a great backup plan.



(10) Broccoli

Broccoli is high in vitamin C, and it’s a great source of folate. Broccoli also boasts diuretic properties that can help with weight loss, as well as increased antioxidant activity thanks to its healthy dose of alpha-lipoic acid. Additionally, broccoli contains an agent called sulforaphane, which may be able to protect your cells from oxidative stress.


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

how I improved health

                                      How I Improved My Health

I was quite out of shape and unhealthy when I graduated from college, and I knew it was time to make some serious changes in my life if I wanted to live a long, healthy life. Although it took some time, I stuck with it and am now much healthier than I was before! Here are the main ways that I improved my health, and hopefully they can help you on your journey as well!

What are the top 5 habits that improved my health?

First step

Eating healthier, sleeping better, working out 3 times a week, drinking more water, and smiling more often. These habits alone make me feel healthier than before. These small changes can improve your health too. Here are five things you can do to improve your health: eat healthily, sleep 8 hours a day, exercise three times a week, drink lots of water and smile to yourself in front of a mirror at least twice.

Second step

The number one reason most people don’t start a new habit is that they don’t feel like they have enough time. Sometimes, you simply can’t make more time—that’s life! But there are other times when you might be able to eke out an extra few minutes from your day. How do you do it? Try using a timer to track your activities for a week and see where small changes can be made.

Third step

Sleep can go a long way toward improving your health. Not only does it give your body a chance to rejuvenate, but getting enough rest also helps keep stress and anxiety at bay. Sleep deprivation is associated with a variety of serious health issues, including heart disease, depression, and obesity. According to Dr. Dan Siegel, sleep needs are highly individualized; however, there are some general guidelines that you can follow to promote

Fourth step

Everyone is different, and so no one solution will work for everyone. Before investing in any health supplements or programs, make sure you understand what works best for your body and your goals. And when it comes to supplements and programs, remember that natural doesn’t always mean safe. Always check with a doctor before starting any new regimen. Losing weight can be hard work; don’t let being healthy be harder!

Fifth step

Do you find yourself with lots of free time? If you do, you might want to consider incorporating more activity into your day. While most people don’t have a lot of spare time each day, some things can be done to improve your health and fitness even if it is only for 15 minutes. Start small; walk around your neighborhood for 15 minutes every morning or evening.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

natural weight loss diet plan


                        NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS DIET PLAN

In this article, I will tell you about the benefits of a natural weight loss diet plan and how to make one of yours more effective.


There are numerous healthful methods to lose weight. Many individuals attempt to shed weight by following a “losing weight” (or quick weight loss) approach. These approaches incorporate portion control, slimming down at times, and regular exercise. Such a method can be extremely successful. But there are also plenty of ways to do so that has less weight loss than a shedding-at-will approach, including:

Dietary Guidelines

These are dietary guidelines that recommend the best way to live based on various factors. A good rule of thumb is that eating healthy foods leads to weight loss. If your doctor recommends that you eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, then it’s easier to stick with that diet. For instance, if you want to live to be ninety, then simply cut back on sugar, soda, and junk food. In addition, avoid salt as much as possible and get a full day’s worth (and protein) in every meal so there is no need for food prep or cooking skills.

Life style Changes

Another way to shed body fat is by making lifestyle changes. For instance, you could quit smoking. Also, try to keep your drinking habit in check. This means cutting out all soda, alcohol, and caffeine by about 12 cups per day. Try not to overeat whenever possible, which would lead to binge eating and extra food, which ultimately means it will be harder for you to lose weight.

Exercise and Nutrition

Your body burns calories whenever you go about your everyday activities. However, when you burn fewer calories, your body has an opportunity to hold onto those extra kilos, which is exactly what you’re looking for. To perform and stay fit, you don’t have to spend hours at the gym, you don’t have to spend time and effort on calorie counting, and most importantly, you don’t have to work out for 30 minutes a couple of times a week. Just follow these simple strategies that will help you take care of your overall health.


Dietary Rules Every Doctor Follows

Your doctor is always right. No two patients could be quite right and you will only find out after you’ve been trying for a while to lose weight. That being said, they can’t predict your weight loss goal. You will still be able to achieve your goal if you continue to have a healthy lifestyle. Here are some suggested dietary rules for shedding pounds:

Fruits and Vegetabl

Start by eating fruits and vegetables. It’s easy to add them to your salads. They are also filled with fiber, which helps with digestion and keeps you feeling fuller longer.


Add greens throughout your meals in different types of dishes. These are high-nutrient options and contain vitamins and minerals. Your body needs protein and fiber for your cells to work properly and produce energy. Include vegetables with everything from spaghetti to pasta sauce. Some popular vegetables include cabbage, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and beans.


Vegan Foods

Vegan foods like quinoa, oatmeal, and chickpeas are high in energy to burn, so they make for an ideal snack or snack replacement. Add them to smoothies, salad dressings, yogurt sauces, and even your ice cream.

Nuts and Veg 

Carbohydrates are essential for building muscle instead of fat. Use nuts and seeds such as pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds as the base of any recipe instead of white flour. You can also replace white bread with whole grains, rice, or buckwheat for added fiber and variety .You should do more than one vegetable dish a week or, ideally, at least three vegetables each week, and you need a diverse range of vegetables including meat (mostly fish) and fruits (mostly berries).


 Proteins and Fats

Your daily snack should be protein and fats. Nuts, flaxseed, leafy greens, avocados, almonds, peanut buttery nuts, dark chocolate, coconut milk, etc can be part of your nutrition routine. Avoid sugary beverages, starchy carbohydrates, processed food, and refined sugars.


Your fibers should be getting enough water to bind the dietary restrictions I mentioned earlier. Do not fill your stomach with empty calories that can cause bloating whenever you sit down to eat, although it may happen, especially when you eat too quickly. Aim for 2-3 large servings a day and limit the number of carbohydrates in each serving.


Your body needs fluid to function properly, but you need water and water, not drink water. Water is necessary to rid the system of toxins and maintain a balanced state of hydration. Drink several glasses a day, preferably before eating, to preserve body fluids and prevent constipation or diarrhea. Drinking water before each meal also prevents you from reaching for salty snacks that will put you back in a mindset of calorie counting.


Eggs are rich sources of protein and high-fiber protein. Egg whites can be used in almost anything, and you can enjoy them for breakfast, dinner, or dessert. Start by adding them to cereal, toast, pancakes, and muffins.

Vegetarian Foods

Vegan foods are great and have less sodium, but they are low in protein and nutrients compared to other diets. The Vegan diet is better for your overall health than the keto diet or vegetarian food plan because vegan diets generally don’t come along with dairy products. Also, plant-based proteins are often lower in energy and contain less sugar.

Eating Healthy Foods

There are plenty of foods that can help you lose weight. Some examples are eggs, legumes, yogurt, nuts, berries, and a few others. Most of the people who choose to adopt a healthy diet don’t have to feel guilty about it, since eating healthy doesn’t have to mean dieting and being constantly hungry. Making a change in your diet is possible, but remember to be realistic about yourself. Once you start changing your habits, you won’t hate the idea of eating healthy again. If your new diet harms your physical appearance, then you might not love it, either. Keep it real. 


Monday, March 21, 2022

Balance diet and its importance


why human health is important

                         10 Reason1s Why Human Health is Important

You spend hours at the gym working out every day, but no matter how much you exercise, your weight doesn’t seem to budge. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, it’s essential that you focus on the health of your body and your mind as well as your waistline. Here are 10 reasons why human health is important and how you can reach your health goals by taking good care of yourself bot

1) Prevents Premature Deaths

A healthy life can prevent a premature death. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that a healthy diet and physical activity can prevent many diseases and chronic health conditions, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, stroke, high blood pressure and arthritis. Investing in our human health may also decrease costly health-care spending for many individuals and countries.

2) Improves Quality of Life

The most immediate benefit of a healthy life is that it improves quality of life: if you live longer, you can enjoy more time with friends and family. A healthier body also means a clearer mind—fewer health issues mean greater focus on other aspects of your life. In many cases, even small improvements in health are enough to boost your quality of life. Making simple lifestyle changes—adding an extra serving of fruits and vegetables to your diet each day, for example—can have dramatic effects on your health over time.

3) Provides Economic Benefits

A healthy workforce leads to happier, more productive employees. When people have access to quality healthcare, they’re more likely to work at their optimal level. When employers are able to invest in their employees health and well-being, there are fewer instances of absenteeism, lower health insurance costs, and less turnover. All of these things mean that businesses have more money on hand to invest in growth and innovation. This creates a cycle that benefits everyone involved.

4) Protects Planet Earth

An environment polluted with toxic chemicals or human waste can quickly become a hazard for human health. A polluted planet negatively impacts air quality, water quality, and soil health—all of which have a direct impact on life as we know it. By choosing to live in a way that protects our planet and its resources, we protect our own health.

5) Reduces Overall Costs

The human body is an incredibly intricate system of organs, each performing a special function. An unhealthy person will inevitably be sick more often and will miss more work. This extra time spent at home or in bed results in high health-care costs for both individuals and employers. A healthy worker tends to be more productive than an unhealthy one; as a result, companies save money by keeping their employees healthy.

6) Creates Jobs in the United States

The health care industry in general is one of America’s biggest employers. In addition to those doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers employed by hospitals, clinics, and insurance companies there are also thousands of jobs involved in making pharmaceuticals and medical devices that can only be purchased with health insurance. A healthy workforce is directly tied to a healthy economy.


7) Increases Employment Opportunities

Some believe that human health should be a top priority, but don’t realize how important it really is. A healthy population makes for happy and productive employees, which in turn boosts a business’s success rate. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services estimates that for every dollar spent on public health activities, about $4 can be saved later on in reduced health care costs and increased productivity.


8) Makes Communities Stronger

A healthy population of active, healthy people means communities have healthier and more sustainable populations. This also ensures that we have a productive workforce to support a growing economy and encourages more businesses to set up shop in your area. According to The World Health Organization (WHO), Healthier countries are those that succeed in providing good health care for all their people, which is why human health should be top of mind for any community looking to become stronger.

9) Builds Stronger Relationships

Health can improve your relationships. When you’re healthy, you’re better able to enjoy life with your friends and family. You can participate in activities that strengthen friendships and family bonds, whether you’re taking walks or working on a hobby together.


10) Is an Investment in Our Future

Humans, unlike other living beings, are unique because they can not only anticipate the future but they can invest in it. By making investments in our health and well-being we ensure that there will be a healthy life for ourselves, our children and future generations.

What Are The Causes of Disease?

                                                  causes of diseases Disease can be caused by a wide variety of factors and variables, but l...